Course Category: SDG10-inequalities

Showing 1-6 of 6 results

A.L.E.R.S. Learning Environment

What is A.L.E.R.S.? The Adaptive Learning Environment Research System (A.L.E.R.S.) is a transformative educational platform, innovatively designed to reshape learning through personalization and adaptability. It stands at the forefront of integrating technology with individualized learning strategies. How Does A.L.E.R.S. Work? A.L.E.R.S. begins its journey with each student through a unique…

GPT for grading exams

Revolutionizing Education with AI: A Glimpse into the Future of Grading Have you ever wondered if technology could grade exams as efficiently as human educators? The Data Innovation Hub of The Hague University of Applied Sciences is at the forefront of answering this intriguing question! A groundbreaking study conducted by…

AR for deaf students

Hearing loss is a global problem that many people deal with and the percentage of people with a hearing impairment will only keep growing. It is projected that we will reach a global population of 8 billion people in 2022 . Of these 8 billion people it is estimated that…

Socioeconomic Status

Introduction: Dive into our in-depth research project that investigates the profound relationship between socioeconomic status and health outcomes in Zoetermeer. As a pioneering research group, we’re at the forefront of unveiling insights that can shape a healthier future for our community. Project Overview: Our mission was clear: “How does socioeconomic…

IT 4 Seniors

Digital skills are indispensable nowadays, even for seniors. Whether arranging online banking, passing on a move or refilling a prescription, the use of digital systems is indispensable in our society. During the lockdowns, online services became even more important. For senior citizens, the lack of computer skills led to problems…

Smart Teddy

The Smart Teddy is a therapeutic companion with a very basic functionality. It can bark and move its tail if someone interacts with it. It is soft and cuddly to invite people to grab and hug it. Seniors can keep the Smart Teddy as a long term companion. Like a…