Course Category: Mathis

Showing 1-3 of 3 results

City Scrapper

The project aims to use widely available user satisfaction data to construct a decision making tool for municipalities. Managing cities is a complex task for municipalities. Both creating policies and evaluating them requires careful planning and significant resources. However, citizen already provide publicly that information on a variety of user…

Firefighter forecasting

Recent increase in wild fires in France, and around the world, are an unfortunate example of the current challenges firefighters face nowadays. Data science can provide a solution for such challenges. Through various visualizations, we can empower our public services to react faster and more efficiently to extreme situations. The…

Airport load modelling

Project Overview In today’s ever-evolving aviation industry, where capacity planning and operational efficiency are paramount, the ability to predict passenger flight load with precision is crucial. At The Hague University’s Data Science research group, we’ve delved deep into this challenge, reviewing historical methodologies and crafting an innovative algorithm using XGBoost,…