Course Category: A1-Open

Showing 1-7 of 7 results

Improving Drug Safety

Main question: Can I use ML applied to heart rate data (time series) of test subjects to show who is using beta blockers? Sub-questions: What preprocessing should be applied? Is it preferable to work with features or is it better to let a neural network learn the raw data? Does…

The Living Somnox

 1. Introduction Insomnia has many consequences for society. Scientific research shows that the consequences of a bad night’s sleep are noticeable in, for example, the productivity of employees, road safety, the effect of therapies, the use of medication and the performance of students during their education and in the quality…

Food Trends

Identify clustered perceptions towards nutrition-related topics (e.g. guidelines, meat consumption, trends like low carb diets etc) based on social media information. This type of analysis could serve as exploratory research aiming to generate hypotheses or to identify profiles of participants to be recruited for more in-depth qualitative research. Development of…

Food Image Recognition

Goal Estimate ‘what people eat’ with machine learning based on images or videos of plates. Methodology We can start small by e.g. aiming to estimate portion sizes, in- or exclusion of vegetables at dinnertime or in-or exclusion of fruits in breakfasts. We could ask students to collect both experimental data…

Road Scan Data

DATAST is a company that works to make maintaining and servicing the public space as efficient as possible. DATAST has a lot of data they get from different sources which they have to store. And they have different clients that only have access to certain parts of the data. DATAST…

Behavior Features

We have data from one day (7-22.00) regarding physical activity of 15 patients, comprising two types of data: Type 1: Accelerometry: % of time lying/sitting, standing, walking, running, cycling. Type 2: Behavioral mapping: 3 hourly observations during one day (approximately 45 observations per patient) – what – how – with…

Auto Exercise Planning

Using string data from the electronic patient record to compose an eHealth exercise program, what is needed and how feasible is it, what can be the potential outcome? Composing a digital exercise program is time consuming. Is it feasible to compose a exercise program by subsequently: Linking data from the…