Health Innovation

Health Innovation Center of Expertise

The Data Science Research Group at The Hague University of Applied Sciences plays a pivotal role in supporting the Health Innovation Centre of Expertise by providing advanced analytical capabilities and data-driven insights that propel healthcare innovations forward. Through their expertise in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics, the research group enhances the center’s ability to tackle complex health challenges, optimize treatment protocols, and improve patient outcomes. By integrating cutting-edge data science methodologies, the group helps transform raw health data into actionable knowledge, facilitating evidence-based decision-making and personalized healthcare solutions.

This collaboration is mutually beneficial, as the Health Innovation Centre of Expertise offers a dynamic platform for the Data Science Research Group to apply and test their research in real-world healthcare settings. The center provides access to extensive health data, collaborative projects with healthcare providers, and opportunities for interdisciplinary research, all of which enrich the research group’s work. This synergy accelerates the development and implementation of innovative health technologies and practices, ultimately driving improvements in healthcare quality and efficiency. Together, they create a robust ecosystem where data science and health innovation intersect, fostering advancements that benefit both the academic community and society at large.

Diabetic Foot Ulcers project

A Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is a serious complication of diabetes and can lead to a lower limb amputation if not treated properly and in an early stage. A DFU is often caused by poor blood circulation and neuropathy and therefore also heals poorly. For these long-term non-healing wounds, infection is a threat. If the wound does not heal or if an infection spreads, amputation is sometimes unavoidable. In recent years, research on automation using computer vision and Machine Learning methods plays an important role in DFU treatment. Promising successes have already been achieved so far. The aim of this project is to develop new Machine Learning techniques to assist in deciding whether amputation is a more suitable option at an early stage of the treatment.

Skin Cancer Diagnosis project

The aim of this project is the early detection of skin cancer which will lead to better chances of recovery and relieving some of the pressure from care specialists. The research tackles this problem by training skin therapists and general practitioners to recognise specific features of skin cancer and how to interpret them.

Smart Teddy Project

By moving its tail and reacting to movement or touch, the Smart Teddy offers seniors companionship in the home. At the same time it uses sensors to estimate how the physical and mental Quality of Life (QoL) of a senior is progressing and check for potential dangers. Support can be offered if the QoL level declines. Emergency interventions can also be dispatched if a danger is detected (e.g., smoke, cries for help). Aimed at seniors with early onset of dementia, the goal is to help them stay longer in their own home and delay the need to have them placed in a professional care facility.

This video illustrates how we conduct research together with our students using an iterative process. Each step of the project builds on all the work performed before to go further and reach new results.

Health Related Projects


Mobile health apps

This study addresses the burgeoning global shortage of healthcare workers and the consequential overburdening of medical professionals, a challenge that is anticipated to intensify by 2030 . It explores the adoption and perceptions of AI-powered mobile medical applications (MMAs) by physicians in the Netherlands, investigating whether doctors discuss or recommend…

ECOTIP: Ecosyndemic data

Understanding Ecosyndemics Ecosyndemics refer to the negative interactions of diseases that arise due to unfavorable living environments. The ECOTIP project focuses on understanding these interactions and identifying the critical points – or “tipping points” – where a population’s ability to handle such environments weakens, leading to these adverse disease interactions.…

Risk signaling

The aim of this research program is to contribute to prevention by better identifying suspicious abnormalities by paramedics. Subsequently, upon identification, to advise more effectively to ask for medical care.   Embedding enhanced risk signaling and secondary prevention in skin therapeutic care Cancer is one of the diseases that cause…

Infant Blink Detection

Distributed machine learning is becoming a popular model-training method due to privacy, computational scalability, and bandwidth capacities. In this work, we explore scalable distributed-training versions of two algorithms commonly used in object detection. A novel distributed training algorithm using Mean Weight Matrix Aggregation (MWMA) is proposed for Linear Support Vector…

Digital Health Challenges

Background: Digital health is well-positioned in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) to revolutionize health care due, in part, to increasing mobile phone access and internet connectivity. This paper evaluates the underlying factors that can potentially facilitate or hinder the progress of digital health in Pakistan. Objective: The objective of this…

Virtual Jelle

Project partners: Virtuele Jelle (start-up), Pieter van Foreest (PvF), Medical Delta, IMEC (Innovatrix), Innovation Quarter and THUAS. R&D by: Virtuele Jelle, Hani Al-Ers (THUAS) Challenge: to improve quality of life of people with dementia and to relieve family care givers by virtual (machine-controlled) telephone conversations with real voices of family…


Applying data science for Health Innovation Recently, the Data Science team got involved in Pim Koolwijk’s Project ‘Start(V)aardig’. The aim of this project is to develop a toolbox for professionals supporting them to improve the motor competence of young children. The project provides a rich source of structured and repeatedly…

Diabetic Foot Ulcers

A Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is a serious complication of diabetes and can lead to a lower limb amputation if not treated properly and in an early stage . A DFU is often caused by poor blood circulation and neuropathy and therefore also heals poorly. For these long-term non-healing wounds,…

Palsy diagnosis

Peripheral palsy and central palsy are two forms of facial paralysis. Both conditions have similar characteristics, but they can have very different acuteness. Bell’s Palsy is one form of peripheral nerve disease, from which patients often heal and which is not likely to be fatal . A central facial palsy,…

Socioeconomic Status

Introduction: Dive into our in-depth research project that investigates the profound relationship between socioeconomic status and health outcomes in Zoetermeer. As a pioneering research group, we’re at the forefront of unveiling insights that can shape a healthier future for our community. Project Overview: Our mission was clear: “How does socioeconomic…

IT 4 Seniors

Digital skills are indispensable nowadays, even for seniors. Whether arranging online banking, passing on a move or refilling a prescription, the use of digital systems is indispensable in our society. During the lockdowns, online services became even more important. For senior citizens, the lack of computer skills led to problems…

Smart Teddy

The Smart Teddy is a therapeutic companion with a very basic functionality. It can bark and move its tail if someone interacts with it. It is soft and cuddly to invite people to grab and hug it. Seniors can keep the Smart Teddy as a long term companion. Like a…