Think & Drink Den Haag

Organized by MKB Den Haag in collaboration with MKB Digiwerkplaats and Social Club Den Haag, the Think & Drink event was held at the Foyer Raadzaal of the Gemeente Den Haag, focusing on how entrepreneurs can save time using ChatGPT and AI tools.

Event Summary:

Entrepreneurs had the opportunity to explore practical applications of ChatGPT and AI to streamline their business operations. The event featured hands-on support from students of MKB Digiwerkplaats, offering free assistance in AI implementation challenges.

Presentation by Dr. Hani Alers:

Dr. Hani Alers illustrated the potential for entrepreneurs to bring their project ideas to The Hague University, where they can be developed into full-scale educational cases within the ICT program. Highlighting this opportunity, he showcased the Care-Riing project, a smart interactive answering machine designed for individuals with Alzheimer’s, using speech recognition and algorithmic responses to simulate conversations with family members.

Keynote Speech: AI expert Philip Gast discussed the integration of AI tools into business processes, including automated writing, online marketing, and recruitment.

Impact on Society

Attendees were encouraged to join the MKB network for further collaboration and support.

Partnerships: This meeting was a joint effort involving MKB Den Haag, MKB Digiwerkplaats, Social Club Den Haag, Gemeente Den Haag, the Dutch AI Coalition, and several educational institutions, highlighting the collaborative spirit of innovation in the region.