Research and scientific writing
Research and scientific writing skills are essential for a researcher to have, to provide a complete, clear and accurate picture of the research project to all relevant stakeholders. Do you want to improve your scientific writing skills? In this minor you learn to write a multiple stage experiment plan which all answer one main research question.
In this minor, you work in groups to conduct applied research on real world research topics in cooperation with external partners.
The goal of the project you work on is to advance the state of the art using cutting edge interactive systems to reach new scientific findings.
Students will write a multiple stage Research-Proposal in which they examine hypotheses related to the given research topic. Then, in the second half of the minor, they actually conduct the planned research as detailed out in the proposal..
Students are going to analyze the collected research data to the highest scientific rigor and submit their findings to an international scientific conference.
After completing this minor, you have learned the following:
You can conduct applied research for an external party such as a research group or a company
You are able to write an experiment plan of multiple stages – all of which aim to answer one main research question.
You can use advanced statistics to analyze quantitative data, and proven theories to analyze qualitative data, in order to draw scientific conclusions
You are able to select a relevant scientific conference and submit an article that complies with the conference guidelines
You have improved your writing skills and are able to write reports in an organized and easy to understand manner.
You have improved your presentation skills and are able to give powerful short presentation and engage the audience with discussion about your work
You have experience in meeting and collaborating with external partners (like companies and universities).
Target group:
For students who want to improve their scientific writings skills to conduct high level research, pursue a master degree at a university and/or submit a publication in (and visit) an international conference.
-Analyze the problem domain & draw up a problem definition
-Conducting research
-Effective (International) Communication
Basically, students who complete this minor are capable of conducting and documenting scientifically sound research that can be published in international peer reviewed conferences.
Student has experience with conducting scientific research.
Student can write a scientific research report.
Student has good English reading, writing and speaking skills.
Research. This is it! | 9789001816964 | Ben Baarda
The students work in groups of 2-4 people.
The research topics are provided by the school. Students can suggest their own research topic with the condition that it is linked to an external client (company or research group).
Students have weekly meetings with external client to discuss progress and alignment
Students have weekly meetings with course lecturer to discuss progress and work methodology
There are weekly class lectures as well as recorded lectures to provide the needed theory for completing the minor.
In weeks 2 to 4, there will be daily progress meetings with the lecturer to ensure that the planning stage of the project is completed properly.
Students will present their work in weekly presentations.
Students will have weekly discussions with other groups about the research project to spot problems and improve their approach.
Contact hours per week:
The students are expected to be present every day in the HHS location in Zoetermeer for feedback and discussion, unless they are required to work elsewhere (e.g. meetings, collecting data, etc.). This may change in accordance with the CORONA regulations.
Students will present their progress once a week in weeks 1-7.
Students will be present for short daily meetings with the lecturer in weeks 2 to 4
Students meet the client once a week
Students discuss the research plan with the lecturer one-on-one before starting the second phase of the minor
Students get one-on-one feedback on article drafts twice before the final article is submitted
Students get 3 cycles of one-on-one detailed review of their final article.
Portfolio, research plan 40% of the grade in week 4.
Portfolio, scientific article 60% of the grade in week 9.
Student can pass the minor if they get a minimum of 5,5 for each of the portfolios. The second attempt to pass both portfolios is in week 10.
Aanvullende informatie
The minor has a strong focus on international research. Skills in reading and writing in English will be useful.
The minor will fully take place in the Zoetermeer location of the HHS, Bleiswijkseweg 37E, 2712 PB Zoetermeer.
Delft University of Technology, Erasmus Medical Center, Leiden University , Technology for health research group HHS.
Please check the KOM minor brochure of THUAS here.